Thursday, November 20, 2014

Perspectives from other countries about America

          When finding articles about perspectives on America from other countries, there were some pretty funny ones. One website had a bunch of picture of “American Parties”. In other countries they would have American theme parties, which consist of a bunch of red cups, hamburgers, popcorn, and people would come dressed in sports attire mainly basketball. People from other countries do not understand why Americans are so obsessed with red cups. One of the articles that I attached the link too, is also a funny one to read. The article is about what other people warn people about before coming to America. A lot of people warn about crime in America, the one I found the most funny was people in Germany were shocked to about nude bathing, and people changing at beaches. My mom works with many people that come from other countries and listening to their experience is so funny. One of her co-workers came from Russia and he moved here in October, he did not understand or know about Halloween. He thought that the kids dressed in costumes and ringing his doorbell, was a prank. Then he was told he had to give them something so he would give the kids whatever items he had. Till this day he refers to Halloween as the day the kids come shopping at your house. Another one of her co-workers from Indian had very bad culture shock. Knowing how they dressed in Indian how women would to be completely covered, she found it outrageous how girls dressed in America. She did not understand why girls dressed in these thin short tank tops, but mainly she did not understand the concept of a tank top.
            On a serious note another article with its linked attached. All the countries were divided in half some of them thought America has a positive influence while others think it has a negative influence. They describe America as being a police officer getting involved in everything. What was very interesting to me that I read from this article was that America before was good in emphasizing human right and now America has less emphasis on human rights. I can understand that view due to all the involvement America has throughout the country.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapter 30: A Conservative Revival and the End of the Cold War

       I was really surprised to read how many deaths from guns were more than twenty-eight thousand. I never really thought how the Columbine shooting had a big effect on our country. When I was in elementary school there was this program called “Rachel’s Challenge” they got us familiar with the shooting, as a younger kid I saw scenes and heard voice recording that probably was not good for a little kid. But a big lesson arose from the shooting. A girl name Rachel was very kind and open hearted to everyone, she would go out of her way to say hi or help anyone in need. She was the first one killed in the shooting, and no one understood why because she was always nice to the two shooters and she was their friend. After the whole shooting incident they found a message from her that she want to spread kindness, when kindness is spread it would be like a chain reaction. As I got older I joined this program, in this program we had to spread kindness, end bullying, and help new students or students in trouble be more comfortable with the school environment. I truly enjoyed the program and found it very inspiring. Although the Columbine shooting was a horrible moment in America, goodness came out of it that will impact the world, students, and people. I believe the Columbine was the start of a ripple effect that would lead to other shooting. I read somewhere a student tried to recreate the Columbine shooting. It was a ripple that would encourage or give people in an a bad mindset that if they feel hurt to it was okay to express it through doing harm at schools, such as the shooting of Sandy Hook school and the Texas A&M shooting, just recently the Santa Barbara and Settle Pacific shooting. After all these incidents I was glad to read that Bill Clinton tried to prevent this by putting in a law for stricter gun control.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chapter 29: A time of Upheaval

It was really interesting reading about all the college’s protests against the Vietnam War. I tried to picture myself in that situation, what if students at NDNU began to protest; would I protest along with others? I feel like I would protest only if it was for a good cause, but when the time came down to it I don’t think I would. I am the type of person to stay away from the violence’s, and the college protests were full of violence not by the students, but by the law enforcement. It was really sad to read how these college students held peaceful boycotts and protests, then the law enforcement had just began shooting these college students and killing them. When reading this section it reminded me a lot of Ferguson, Missouri. How people were protesting about a teenager being killed and another who was killed in the same matter in the next town over. The law enforcement began to arrest people for walking on the street and bringing in tanks to suppress the protest. The law enforcement treated the people in the protest as if they were Isis in Iran. I do not think it was necessary to bring in tanks and machine guns to suppress a protest that was not violent. It’s sort of the exactly the same thing as the college protest, was it really necessary for the police to shoot into the women’s dormitory as a response to the protest. It is also like how the African-American protested for Civil Right, they created no violence, but the police would beat them. I really cannot wrap my head around why during all these peaceful protest why law enforcement are the first to create violence and make the situation more dangerous. Aren't law enforcement supposed to protect us from danger? But in these cases they create the danger and treat the civilians as if they are enemies from war.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Civil Rights: 1960's

The Civil Rights moments were a big impact on America History. Most importantly it was a big event in history. It was a change America had to make so all ethnicity gained the same amount of respect and equality that America had offer.

PBS made a time line of the major event contributing to the civil rights movement for African American

John F. Kennedy, the most adore president by all the women had an effect on the civil right movement. In the JFK Presidential library highlights parts of the moment and his part in it

The History channel website describes the movement of African America and supply little clips and pictures of the Civil Rights,

African American Civil Right Movement

Red Power Movement

Chicano Movement
African-American March

Sunday, November 9, 2014

chapter 28 : Liberalism, Civil Rights, and War in Vietnam

Ever since the colonization of America the Native America has had difficulties with the whites. Over the years, actually many years it seems like their disputes have never ended. I thought the disputes between the Native Americans and the whites ended after the Trail of Tears but I guess not. It always seems like there must be a controversy against the Native Americans even in present day. It is just to that point to let the Native Americans live on their land become citizens and stop interrogating troubles with them. It was really surprising to read how the Native Americans were still being treated poorly especially after World War II. The Native America tribe the Navajo help aid in the war against Japan, they were a major contribution to America, but never really recognized for their service. Knowing how they helped America, one would think they would be reward or even America help the Native Americans. It’s really discouraging to read how after war they were not recognized for their service nor rewarded, America just let the Native America go into poverty. As being part Native America specifically Navajo it is very discouraging, frustrating how America treats the Native America. The Native Americas should be treated like other countries; if a country shows loyalty and respect then they become allies with America, on the other hand if not, they become enemies. The Native America showed there loyalty and respect to America, which America should in turn give back.  For the Native Americas to get the respect and aid from America they had to protest of create a movement. To me which is not right the President should of show consideration of the Native Americans after the war and helped them with the programs beforehand not after protesting. Then again it seems like American people only get their way after protesting. For example after the women protested for equal rights they final got the right to vote, along with the African America with the civil right movement an d protest they finally got equality. It seems like the only way to get equality or rights in America are to protest, but then again America became America due to protesting against the English.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chapter 27 America at Midcentury

It was interesting to read about the how farm businesses started to use more chemicals on their crops.  Although they did not have the knowledge we have today on pesticides I still argued in my mind they are wrong to use it. I could really connect to the reading in this section. Reading this section reminded me of back home, I come from a small farm town, where there is a farm across the street from me. Pesticides really affected the town especially the air we breathe. I remember when the farmers would spray the fields; the town would either mail a letter or email telling us to stay indoors due to bad air quality from the pesticides. Due to the bad air quality when they sprayed the fields,  schools the kept us indoors and avoided any outdoors activities, and high schools would have to cancelled any outside sports’ practice or game.  Just from living in a farm town I lived and know how pesticides can affect us greatly.

            When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was highly motivated to learn more about breast cancer. During breast cancer week at NDNU I attended an open panel discussion; one panel lady discussed how pesticide is a leading cause in breast cancer especially in farm towns and farmers wives. Pesticides do real harm to our environment and farmer still use it despite all the health issues pertaining to it and how it is affecting our atmosphere. What I don’t understand now and back then why they would continue using pesticides when the farmers know all the harmful causes from it. Or may the question I should ask is why it is not banned, I think if it endangers a mass population and animals it should be banned. When reading about pesticide increase in the 1962 it hit a sensitive spot to me. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Chapter 23: The 1920's Coping with Change

        I found reading about Henry Ford very interesting; he has had a big impact on the factory work especially introducing the assembly line. That made a big impact on mass production that corporations even use today to make their products. I got the impression that Henry Ford was a very intelligent man and even caring about his workers. It was not mention in the book, but Henry Ford did many things that will benefits his workers and his business, it was a two in one. For example when workers would be on the assembly line someone would come around giving them a toothbrush or mouth wash so workers would have good oral hygiene. The purpose for this was if his workers had good oral hygiene then they would not have to leave work for a period of time due to a toothache. Another thing he did he would help his workers buy a house specifically close to the factory, so they were never late to work. What really impressed me was Henry Ford would take out a certain amount of money out of the workers’ pay checks and saved it for them in their own saving account so in the end of the year they would have extra money instead of spending it all at once. He really took care of his worker, what was smart about this is he knew if he worker were healthy and taken care of then what he need to be produced would be made quickly and in large amounts. He was a very smart business man who looked at all different perspectives that would benefit his industry. I just think it’s amazing how after all these years in addition to many major changes to our society plus advancements, Henry Ford’s techniques in as well as to ways he established his industry, many industries use today. I still find it fascinating how his products of the Ford automobile are still striving after many years.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chapter 21: The Progressive Era

          It was a little bit alarming to read how in the 1903, how young girls are being kidnapped a carried across states to become prostitute. I thought kidnapping girls and making them prostitutes only happened in today’s decade. It was a big controversies about girls traveling in different countries and getting kidnapped and then being sold as prostitutes in other countries worldwide. They we able to be sold through the internet. It was very sad to read that was already happening in the 1900’s and that America was probably the first country to start this crime. In today and in this chapter women were mostly prostitutes, and it was rare and even rarer today to see or hear about a male prostitute unless that male is a transgender. Anyways, I get this idea that women were more likely to become prostitute over men due to women always being acknowledged as the man’s servant. Throughout history it was always recognized women standing beside her husband serving him instead of following her dreams, women always had to support their husband’s dreams. Although women were never acknowledged to be known as slaves because they were expected to fill this role as a wife. In all reality women were slaves during this time. Just like African- American slaves they did not have any rights or equality, and the white men created a degrading life for women and African-Americans. As defined by the dictionary a slave is a person who is legal property of someone and is forced to obey them. Women are legal property to their husbands through marriage and a marriage certificated to prove that also as a wife she must obey her husband’s order for her; this sounds a lot like a slavery to me. African-Americans were not the only slaves in America but as well as wives and prostitutes.

            A website that I highly encourage to everyone is not only in the 1900’s women were fighting for inequality. Today women are still continuing this fight. This website allows men to get involved with women inequality as well as human inequality. It is a very informative page against this fight against inequality; it shows how many men around the world have decided to stand up against inequality.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chapter 19: Immigration, Urbanization, Everyday lives

          During the 1880's and the 1890's it was a big year for the women. It was surprising to read how everything new being experienced was meant for the women instead of men. It was unpredicted of this because women were just fighting for equality during the Civil War, but they were not granted this. It was really surprising how woman became on top more than men, because men were supposed to be the dominate one. It got me excited to read how Colleges were made for women, so they can get equality, and gain the knowledge to have women compete with men in the workforce. During that time there were powerful women figures that proved to men, women are capable to do just as much as men. Such as Jane Addams who won a Noble prize among men candidates, for her work of the settle house movement. A women who I found inspiring while reading was Frances Willard, she transformed women’s “moral virtues” into a rationale for political actions. She encourage the movement of women to set out of the Victorian lady like status and become more active and making themselves to become just as important to men.

            I found it amazing and funny for women during that time outlaw liquor. I cannot imagine how angry the men were especially during that time when the saloon was a big thing to do. I find it funny how men thought they were the dominate power, such as whatever they says goes. They would never think women are capable of doing because they think women are not as intelligent as them. Then again the women proved them wrong and outlawed their favorite substance at the time. Also the women finally stood up to their husbands and other men for their safety which is important. Although it seems like they were trying to get back at the men, but in reality they are looking out for the safety of themselves their children and their husbands. They saw and experience how liquor affected everyone in a negative matter. This just shows how compassionate and motherly women are, to be looking out for what’s best. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chapter 14 Emancipation Impact

The emancipation had a positive impact on the African- Americans. When reading this section I was finally happy to read that the African-Americans finally had something good happen to them, which was very pleasing to read. Even reading about the emancipation I felt like I was also feeling their emotions. It was very heartwarming to read how couples that were separated for many years were able to come together again and start their family, but then it was just as well sad to read how couples who were going to get reunited, were unable to because their love had passed away.  It was a little discouraging to me, how once they were reunited the husbands want their wives to stay at home, and the comment made by one man “I married her to wait on me”, (page 383). I found that comment really ironic because when they were once slaves they waited on their owner, and knowing the experiences they've had, why would they continue to treat their wives in that such manner. It is almost as if the wives were slaves to their husbands. The separate spheres doctrine should be able to be applied the African- American’s home, to somewhat create an equal household between the spouses.

This was exciting to me, how the fourteenth amendment was passed. Thus allowing the African-Americans to be recognized as citizens of the states instead of being only identified as a slave or by the color of their skin. I can imagine at this time it created a lot of controversy and may have put the African-American lives more in danger. This was a big step forward in creating equality. The fourteenth amendment also made a big impact on African-American history in America. It was also encouraging to read how emancipation also pushed the African-Americans to become leader, to begin to create their own communities, and within these communities they made their own institutions. Their community was well fitted for them, from churches to schools, they were finally able to express their culture.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chapter 14 & 15 Equality

Overall I think I am fascinated with human rights and inequality. Due to being fascinated with human rights and inequality issues, moments in history where there is inequality, such as slavery, spark my interest more. To me it was really astonishing to read how serious they took slavery when the Fugitive Slave Act was enforced. Many slaves ran to the North (the non-slave states), in order to be free. They would be free for years and once the Act was enforced they would go on a man hunt for these free slaves to become slaves again. When reading this passage it really reminded me of this one episode I watched, Dog the Bounty Hunter, where they would go in searches to find a person who needs to be in jail. That is what exactly the slave catcher did. I really don’t understand how slavery would save the Union. Knowing that the North is composed of anti-slavery state I would assume they would put up a fight against the South to allow these slaves to continue to be free.

Chapter 15 has a little section on women’s rights and war, while reading through many chapters of Enduring Vision I noticed a trend with women’s rights and war. Whenever America goes to war, women fight for the rights in these particular situations. Such as during the American Revolution, while women helped aid men during war, women began to fight for rights, and Abigail Adams made this stand against her husband John Adams. Having previous knowledge about World War II, women began to do men’s jobs and after wanted more opportunities and jobs like the men, then too women fought for their equality. To me World War II seems like a repeat, of the Civil war. Women took the jobs that men could not due because of war. When this opportunity was given to the women once again they hope for equality in politics and economics. Once again they were not granted the equality they deserve. Well reading this passage and other passages it was surprising to see how during war it is like history was being repeated for women equality. To me equality is a big issue in America and still is today, although the Declaration of Independence and Constitutions encourage equality, they both were not specific enough to say who deserve equality, they were vague. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Federalist paper #10

Madison was incorrect in the organization of the US government under the Constitution providing adequate safeguards against the development of harmful factions. 
Fractions are known for their problems that cause democracy to fail, but removing their liberty is taking away the foundation of the United States. Fractions are recognized for causing division as well as becoming violent and powerful. When James Madison states “There are two method of removing the causes of fractions: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence” (Madison, par. 3). When liberty is removed everyone becomes the same, having the same passion, opinions, and interest, thus taking away the diversity in America. Even though this tactic may work to remove fractions, but it is not acceptable to the nation.  The United States must come under dictatorship in order to remove fraction, but remember the United States left Britain due to a dictatorship. If James Madison takes away liberty he is transforming the United States to be under a dictatorship therefore going against the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

            Madison cannot remove fractions, so the best solution to control fractions is the attempt to control the bad outcomes created from them. The main problem Madison came across was how to control fractions without depriving them of their liberty. He acknowledges “But if could not led folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life”, (Madison, par.4), liberty does not only affect fractions but it affects the major political groups, Republican and Democratic, as well. When liberty is taking away the protection of one own rights is being taken away. It has been recognized that people naturally are incline to be divisive. Therefore fractions are not the only one to cause hostility and disagreement toward people, even if fraction are removed due to divisive, there will be other sources that will cause it.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Federalist papers

When people think of America, the first thing that comes to mind is Liberty. Liberty allows everyone in the nation to be free within society, having independent and freedom. The word liberty defines us as a nation, what America is truly about. While reading I did not agree when it was stated “here are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests”. When we are given the same opinions, passions, and interest its takes away the diversity in America. When everyone is given a same passions, and interest, it takes away individuality and uniqueness in an individual. It as well takes away the right to choose.

America was built on the idea of having freedom, and not being controlled by one authority. When our liberty is taken away, and every citizen is given one state of mind we are going back to being under one control, and getting away from what our founding fathers had created from us. Although it is easier to have a nation with only one mind set, and everyone thinking the same, but it takes the way the rights of a citizen. It takes away the meaning of what America is supposed to stand for and the promises made to the citizens. At first America was under same opinions, passions, and interest, thus starting a revolution. As a citizen of a nation we should be able to voice our opinions, and have individual interest. American is a nation serving its citizens not a nation serving a king. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chapter 12: The Old South and Slavery

Chapter twelve was very interesting to read just untold truth about the slaves. It was surprising to read how the African Americans were the most dominate racial group in America at that time. It was not shocking to me how they rebelled; when they rebelled they outnumbered the whites. It was a little unpredictable to read how that other slaves would inform authority about the upcoming uprising, I would think they would stand together and fight instead of endanger each other lives more.
Despite the rebellions and the uprising, reading about the African-American culture was really fascinating. I was most interested into their music and dance. Their music has truly influenced the music of today by a rhythmic beat to dance too, or singing songs about our emotions. It was said “The songs of the slave represent the sorrows of his heart; and he is relieved by them, only as an aching heart is relieved by tears”, (page 287). This concept of singing a song to relieve sorrow is used today mainly by teenagers. As watched in movies as a funny scene we see a teenage getting over a break up by singing out loud a sad song and sobbing to feel better. But my point is that the African-American culture has truly influenced our culture and society of today. I think even their worship of religion has impact Christianity today, such as them shouting “Amen” and singing chants, catches and hallelujah songs. Now and day Christians mostly worship through chants and songs, and yelling Amen. It just remarkable to read how the whites have degraded the African-Americans and did not want their culture intermixing with the whites but it is ironic how much of an influence the African-American culture did have on society and even adopting some of their ways.
The whites or southerners tried to make sure that that African-American knew they did not have the same equality as the whites. The whites were so obsessed with the African-Americans they did anything in their power to keep them from being free and easy to identify. I was reading in my sociology textbook how they made a one drop law were its states, even one drop of blood of African- American would be identified as “black” despite the color of your skin. This was happening still in the 1980 when we thought as a nation, we were over racial inequality. I guess as a nation we will never get over racial inequality and our past will always affect us in some way. I think having the one drop blood law was like a way to remind you that you are African-American and will never have the same equality as us whites despite your skin color, that’s how I perceived it while reading the text. The African-American culture is very smart and fascinating, they found a cure for stomach aches, and were very skilled in many areas. Unlike the men in the 1760’s who were not as productive and found more interest in dueling, eye gouging, and biting noses.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chapter 9 The Revolution in Social Relationships

It is always interesting for me to reads about how women try to achieve equality. It was a little pleasing to finally read how the nation made an effort to give women equality, by the doctrine of separated spheres. Although it is not as equal to the equality to men, but it’s a start. The doctrine of separated sphere, to me was just a piece of paper that has the roles of both women and men have in their household. The women have the most power in the household, but I still don’t agree how the women still have to be subordinate to men. I neither do agree with having men be subordinate to women.In a relationship, men and women should both be respected and have the same amount of authority.

Back in chapter one in “The Enduring Vision”, they talked about the Native American assigning roles to men and women of the tribe. Due to the labeling the “duties”, men and women must carry out, I believe that it has affected the way we see the roles of men and women. In my opinion the Native Americans have influenced the doctrine of separated spheres, by giving the women the power of the children, just as the Native American women duties other than hunter gathering was as caretakers. People say these roles came from our gene, but it has to do with more than our genes, it has to do with “duties” given to men and women from centuries ago. Imagine if the Native Americans gave the duties of care taking to the men and hunting to the women, don’t you think it would influence the way we see men and women, it would give an opposite view how the roles of men and women should be. If that was the case men would be fighting for the same equality as women. From assigning these gender roles I think it influences what we consider as masculine and feminine.  The doctrine of separated spheres only influences us more into the gender scheme we have today and labeling what roles are appropriated for men and women should play in family.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

chapter 8: Missouri compromise/ John Adams

It was interesting and sad to read how slavery can tear apart a nation apart and even slavery had separated the nation. I think the Missouri Compromise had a big contribution to separating the nation more than it was already. The nation was so concerned about making Missouri a slave state or not that it practically had the north and the south turning against each other. I was influenced that the Missouri Comprise was the right decision at that time, because it pleased both the north and south by making slave states and not slave states equal. I thinking the people of the north who agreed with the Missouri Comprise, in a way was supporting slavery instead of trying to end it. I wonder what the outcome would have been if the union declared Missouri as a not slave state. Would it have brought the nation closer to ending slavery or would it have started a rebellion.

Slavery is a very touchy subject since the 1800's and now. I believe the men who wrote the Declaration of independence and Constitution was more specific in who are considered “all men are equal”, such as whom does “men” apply to. If they were specific and said everyone is equal and entitled to their rights then it could have helped end slavery. The slaves would have been entitled to the same rights as the white men. It may have started a lot of controversy at the time but, everyone would have learned just to accept it as being part of the new nation. It could have saved a lot more time in stopping slavery. But then again slavery has to do with racism, and there was a lot of racism at that time specifically from the people who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. As much as I and so many others want to stop racism, it will always be present in this world.  

An important figure that I thought arose from after the Missouri compromise was John Adams. As reading I got the impression that Adams was a very determined, stubborn man. Due to him being so focused on making the United States be the the entire continent of North America. He was willing to do whatever or support whom ever to help expand the United States. In him expanding the United States he did so very smarty by not breaking any ties or upsetting the British or Spanish. He was a big impact on the United States.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Declaration of Independence &the Constitution

I think the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are strongly constructed articles, with precise structure of government. I is surprisingly well planned to keep this nation from any way from being under dictated by one power. There are a lot of component s that help shape the government and the president’s power. It was a little overwhelming reading it all and the process the president must go through, and the different structure of government, considering I am not very well with politics.

Although I am not good with politics and understanding the government, but I feel like us as a nation we are not sticking by the Declaration of Independence. I hope this does not start any conflicts but we are entitled to our own opinions. I think the nation is too worry about Obama having too much power, but I think the government has too much power and is taking away the authority from Obama. The government seems to becoming too powerful then the other branches. In the Declaration it stated “it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government”, (Boyer, A-1). I think that right of ours is being taken away from us, as if the government has become too strong we are afraid to stand up and ask for a change. Another statement that surprised me, as it was describing a ruling of a king was “For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us” (Boyer, A-2). When I read this statement it reminded me of the situation of Ferguson, Missouri. How they treat the people there as if they were at war with Iraq. I know times are different from 1770’s but I think our rights and our promises are slowly being taken away from us.    

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Chapter 6 securing independence, defining nationhood

I guess I can describe myself as a feminist. I strongly believe that women should have the same opportunities and rights just as men. It is very insulting for me as a woman when they describe women as a lower statue. It was very inspiring and exciting to read how Abigail Adams wrote to her husband about establishing gender relations. It was not mentioned hardly at all in the book, but women were a large part of the Revolutionary war. I think they deserve to be recognized and acknowledge for the part they played in the war. They took upon the roles of the men while they were fighting, supported them, and cared for them too. What would the men do without the women? The women always step up to fulfill men’s roles, just like World War One, how they took over and did men’s jobs. I think over time women continue to show the men why they deserve equality over and over again.

            It is impressive to read how the women tried to have the same rights as men, by disguising themselves as men so they can fight as well. How they would follow the troops cooking, and nursing their wounds, for every man. I just don’t understand why the new nation would not give a permanent gain for the women.  During certain eras there were strong woman figures such as Joan of Arc in the period of the Middle Ages, Harriet Tubman from the civil war era, and many more. I thing Abigail Adams is one of the powerful woman figures during the Revolutionary war. She showed the intelligence that women had and stood up to the men to say we deserve gender equality. It was shocking and funny to read how she wrote a threat to her husband, John Adams, how the women are determined to start a rebellion if there is no equality. She wanted to fight for equality and she was not afraid to. I consider her on of the first American women to fight for women equality in America; she is motivation to keep fighting for equality for woman.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thomas Paine

It is very inspiring reading some of Thomas Paine’s quotes. I can see the passion he had in making a new nation away from Britain.  It was interesting how he described how it was possible to make a new nation and comparing it to the story of Noah. How he explained they were similar situations, it was quite understandable for me to compare those two. It is a good comparison, and it is encouraging to help people know that making a new nation is possible. Some of his quotes were very encouraging, and while reading them I began to feel proud that I live in this nation and how I have this equal right, and independence, instead of being reigned by a king. To me it is a privilege and an honor to have these opportunities to have our freedom of speech and our rights, compared to many other counties.
I see Thomas Paine as one of the big figures in America, just like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and others, because he gave us the push, the encouragement, and inspired us to make this change and separate from Britain. I think without his knowledge and his words it would have taken longer for us as people to separate from Britain, either because we did not think about it, or because we were simply just too scared to fight against the king at the time. Thomas Paine did sell 100,000 copies, so it is not unreasonable to think that he inspired and encouraged many people to go through with the actions. His quotes had me think and touched me, his quotes were not influencing, but he had you make your own opinion about certain situations, and make you want to act out on it.

My favorite quote of his that I read was “For all men being originally equals, no one by birth could have the right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others forever, and tho' himself might deserve some decent degree of honours of his cotemporaries, yet his descendants might be far too unworthy to inherit them.”  ( I think it’s great that we have the opportunity to decide our own future, and have equal opportunity as everyone else. During that time it is true that it was no fair to man no to have the same opportunities as the rich, because we cannot decide what family to be born into. As of now and the past we just accept the family we are born into despite not being able to pick them, and we go through the difficulties and continue living. Being able to have equal opportunities unlike the past sort of makes living more encouraging knowing that we have the power to determine our lives, unlike the past lives were already planned for you since birth. I believe people today take for granted the equal opportunities we have, and do not appreciate what freedom they have compared to other countries. People now do not take advantage of the opportunities given to them. Knowing our past what was given to us we as a nation should acknowledge them more and be appreciated of them, as well as appreciating Thomas Paine for that push to become the nation we are today.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chapter 5 Road to Revolution

I believe the British made it really hard to live in the colonies due to the many Acts they enforced. If I lived during the time of the 1760's I think I would stay in Britain to avoid all the chaos and avoid paying the high cost of taxes. Although the colonies seemed like a new adventure and a start to the new beginning, Britain made the colonies undesirable to live there. I got the impression that the British made the Sugar Act as a way for them to continue their search and seizures in homes and ships without it being illegal. As Otis believed, “The Parliament had no authority to violate the rights of the Englishmen” (Boyer, 98). I stand by what he believed because it was not right on the British part to violate the people’s homes or even ships, without evidence to lead them for the search. I feel like the British took advantage of their power over the colonist. It surprises me how badly they treat the colonist and not expect them to revolt. To me I thought the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act were taking away the colonist rights. In lecture as a class we talked about the push, the pull, and the means to going and living in the Americas. Over time I think the push, the pull, and means greatly changed when the Acts were put into place, I wouldn't be surprise it there was a push to move back to Britain. The pull could of being going back to the comfort of home, not paying a large amount of taxes, and not having your rights violated. The push I believe would definitely get away from Acts. The means would be just sailing back to Britain but that was probably more easily said than done. I assumed that the British did not treat people on the “homeland” the same as the colonist. I did not quite understand why the British only taxed the colonist instead of taxing the people back on the homeland as well. When I think about the situation of how Britain was in debt, I think they handled it not in the proper manner with the colonist. If I was a colonist I would definitely move back to the homeland I would not want to live in such chaos and have my rights be violated. With all the Acts Britain is putting into action with the colonist, it is their own fault in losing control over their colonies. It was impressive to read how the colonist took action to revolt against the British. Despite Britain’s power over the  colonist, the colonist were not afraid to fight back such as creating groups and secrete meeting to plot how to overcome the Acts. It was inspiring to read how the colonist did not take action by using their weapons but they used their word and knowledge as a way to revolt against the British.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Chapter 4 The Bonds of Empire

It is still really shocking to read how the British treated the Catholics. Maybe it is more shocking to me because I am Catholic, and possibly take it to heart and find it as an insult. As referring back to the previous chapter, (chapter 3), how they made Maryland a refuge for the Catholics, and now in this chapter they continue to explain the difficulties the Catholics must face. It's shocking how after making Maryland a refuge for the Catholics, now the British would not accept the Catholics to live in there colonies. It seems like the British have a strong hatred for the Catholics, because they welcome any non- British people and offer them farmland, but they exclude the Catholics. They take away their promise to them about making Maryland a place for them, it is like the Catholics do not have any place for them, and the British are making it really hard for the Catholic to live in North America.
Reading Benjamin Franklin’s statements about how the English are making these immigrants come to North American to make the new English colony, makes me wonder why the English would bring over more non-English people rather than their own people. In reality it seems like they are making a colony of non-English people. I understand it is to make money by making them servants or slaves, but I assume that when there is more non- English then English people, that the colony would lose its English values, beliefs, and even control. It makes me wonder, if a certain area of North America is populated for example by, Dutch immigrants (who they allowed to come), then wouldn't that area be controlled by the Netherlands since they are Netherlands citizens and belong to Netherlands? Wouldn't they have more control of their own citizens rather than citizens from other countries? I can understand the possible anger Benjamin Franklin had when making his statement. I completely agree with what he had said, and believe that the English were making a big mistake by making other immigrants go live in North America.

It was impressive to read how James Oglethorpe banned slavery from Georgia and his reason why. I think it was very brave to take that kind of action at the time, because it was like going against the king’s orders. Although the ban of slavery did not last long, he should still be recognized for the attempt he made for equality, because he did something that no one at the time would do or agree on. I wonder for him trying to ban slavery, if he put his life in danger because it is sort of like him supporting the slaves, and plus he insulted the whites by calling them lazy. I believe Oglethorpe made a noble decision and action by trying to ban slavery. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014


At the beginning of the chapter the author opens up the reading about Native Americas but instead of calling them Native Americans like the previous chapters he begins to start calling them Indians. I do not take it as an insult, but when he refers to them as Indians, many different ideas comes to mind. For instance when he uses the word Indian I can think he is referring to people from India or using it as another name for Native Americans. If the author begins to call them Native Americans he should continuing calling them that instead of randomly going back and forth calling them Indians and Native Americans, I think he should stick to one name. When he changes randomly to calling them Indians when he once called them Native Americans, it can get confusing because I may refer the Indians as people from India instead of Native.
In the 1630 Maryland was made as a refuge for the Catholics. I think the word refuge is used ironically. The word refuge is defined as being safe and away from danger or trouble, but the Europeans Catholics were in the center of danger. Instead of being kept safe the Catholic’s, three leaders were hung. I was alarming to read how Lord Baltimore made Maryland specific for the Catholic, but the Catholic's could not practice their religion in public and had to pay the Anglican Church. What was promised to them to be a safe place and it turned out to be the opposite, which I find very ironic.
It was out of the ordinary for me to read how a country that colonized a land to be different then the country they came from. John Winthrop wanted to differ the colonies from England. This is sort of surprising because I would think they would want to spread their beliefs and values to the new colonies, to make it like where they came from. When a country takes over new land you would expect it to make everything the same, as a way to identify and know they dominate this land. To me it was like Winthrop was trying to get away from England's belief and values and start something new at the colonies. I got the interpretation that he wanted the colonies to be better than England, which the colonies should watch over England instead of England watching over the colonies, Hence Winthrop's remark "we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people upon us" (Boyer, 47). In the end I think the colonies do begin to put England behind them and build their own society that will over power England one day. I get that understanding by how Massachusetts made their own political system, legislature, and general court. As if Winthrop’s words motivated the people to part from England's ways.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Chapter 2 The Rise of the Atlantic world

When I think about Africa, I think of how less civilized, and the challenges they face with having a lack of resources, basically being poor. It was surprising to read how some parts of Africa were civilized more than certain parts are today, such as how it was dominated by trade and gold. It was interesting to read how in African religion they believe there is another world that their souls go too.
It's discouraging to read how, when Columbus discovered these lands, how he badly affected each one by bringing diseases to the people. To think about how many deaths he caused, or how these diseases could have practically killed a whole community, that unfortunately we do not know about today. Columbus is not known for the bad, the death he brought to the new lands, but instead only he is recognized for power he brought back to the Europeans. During the time Columbus has found these new lands Europe was in its time of the Renaissance. The Renaissance sparks my attention, and is very enlightening to me. It was a start of bringing knowledge to society and knowledge that we need to know today, and it had a big impact to today’s society. Since it introduced major and important subjects such as medicine, science, and philosophy, it allows us in today’s society to explore more in depth, and find new discoveries, that may benefit our lives. If I could I would go back in time and relive the Renaissance, to me it was a time of knowledge, beauty in art, and exploring the unknown, taking risks, it was an exciting time. 

I understand that many things changed from now since the 1620, but I found it a bit insulting how women we supposed to act to their husband. I believe there should not be any dominance in a relationship, both the husband and wife should have equal power. The gender schema the Europeans follows in the 1620 I think arose for the Native Americans because the Native America had set roles for genders as well. I think the set roles that were established in the past have influenced the way we see how men and women should act. I do agree how husbands should treat their wives with consideration, but I do not agree with how the wives should give all the authority to their husbands. The gender schema the Europeans establish I find very gender bias, for instances why the male role has to represent God's rule of creation. I find it as a woman and with my religion very insulting. I do understand during that time why these roles were given, and how it was acceptable at that time. I feel because of the gender schema that was determined it has affect the way men have treated woman over time. It has impacted women more and more as time has evolved by taking away their rights, and how they were discriminated. Since Europeans colonized North America, their gender schema has affected women’s future in America. It is interesting to know how male and female roles where first established and to think about how it impacted how we think now of gender schemas.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Knowing that I am part Native American, it is very interesting to me finding out how my ancestors once lived. Native American were part of recording event that will give us knowledge about them. Just like the continents starting as one, and then separating over time the Native Americans did as well. They began in one tribe and then broke away from one another, thus allowing them to all have similar characteristics but be different at the same time. America today is known as the melting pot of many different races due to migration, but in 12000 -13000 B.C.E most Native Americans had many descendants due to the migration of other tribes, considering it was a melting pot of many different tribes.
I think it is very ironic how they come together to trade but once their community grows into an empire they start destroys one another for supplies.The Aztec were known to take this course of action. Instead of sharing resources like they once did, it seemed like they became greedy for the resources so they would destroy one another for it. It impressed me as tribe evolves that have made very impressive contributes despite the lack of resources they had.Such as the Sun Pyramid, irrigation systems, or the Maya's calendar. The Hohokam I believe were the most evolved compared to the Maya, Aztecs, and the Inca empire, Not only they were more evolved but smart too because how they designed a canal systems for irrigation to help harvest not only one crop but two, so they were thinking smarty just in case one crop failed and to also get sufficient enough of food. With the canals they build they had there community linked within them, so it was easier for them to trade, go to work, and practice their religion. The canal they build did not have a sole purpose for the crops but for transportation as well.
The main value that they share is with their community, how the community is all consider family one way or another. Either it be through an extended family or just the immediate family. With having everyone in the community being family I think it brings everyone close and it makes the community stronger and successful, because there is no rebellion within their community. All Native American have some sort of religion that they strictly follow in different way such as sacrificing, worshiping, or believing. I believe religion is one main value they strongly have in common and their religion is what makes the community and who they are as a community, it basically describes them. It's interesting how all the Native American religions related to the spiritual power of nature. The Native Americans truly value the earth and nature for the resources that it gives them so it makes sense why they would worship the power of nature. Just like Christian and Catholics they value life so we worship God because he created and gave the world life. The Native Americans are remarkable in their values what they believe in and how they create their communities. Its inspiring to learn and know how my ancestors used to live and are known for.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014